Interactive keynotes that embolden women to live, work, and lead with grounded confidence

Speaking Topics

Awards & Recognitions

  • Were you handed some great definitions of leadership - and some pretty disempowering ones as well? Or perhaps you received some messages about YOU as a leader that were helpful - and others that took away your authenticity and power.

    For example, maybe you were told that you were a natural leader...but could also be bossy. Or received feedback to be more bold, confident, and develop your executive presence...while also being told you could be too direct, aggressive, or even angry - and that you should smile more. Perhaps you got the message that authentic leadership is the best approach...while also getting advice to conform to the traditional picture of what a leader "should" be.

    It's time to change all that. It's time to let go of old stories and expand our definition of what it means to be a great leader.

    It's time reclaim your power and unleash your authenticity.

    It's time to lead with grounded confidence.

    In this interactive session, Heather will guide you to rewrite the leadership rules you were handed so you can influence, advance, and lead from a place of grounded confidence. You'll walking away knowing how to:

    --Redefine great leadership to create the space for more diverse voices - and for your voice

    -Reconnect to your own grounded confidence

    -Build a community of powerful and authentic leaders to support you

    -Mentor and develop the next generation of leaders living in grounded confidence

    Note: This session applies to everyone, not just official people leaders.

  • Do you ever hear a little voice in your head saying, “I’m not ready. It’s already been done. I just got lucky. Do I know enough to be here?” If any of these sound familiar, then you have been impacted by imposter syndrome. These fraudy thoughts influence how you show up in your career, from pursuing a new client or leadership role to speaking up in meetings and sharing new ideas.

    The good news is you can do something about it! In this interactive event we will discuss how imposter syndrome impacts you, the structural and cultural reasons you experience it, and practical tools to manage imposter syndrome so you can take bold steps in your career, including how to:

    -Quiet your inner critic

    -Recover fast when doubt and imposter syndrome strike

    -Act even when you don’t feel confident

  • Massages and bubble baths are great, but they are not the cure to burnout. Instead of scratching the surface with temporary fixes, we'll dive into the REAL steps to recover from burnout so you can truly thrive in your work, life, and leadership. You'll discover the rules you've been taught that lead to burnout and how to unlearn them through practical, tangible steps you can use immediately to heal from burnout and reclaim your life, including:

    -The surprising key to releasing stress

    -Practices to build self-compassion and resilience

    -Strategies to say no, set boundaries, and create more space in your life

    -A personal toolkit to feel alive again

    -Simple actions you can take as a team to set boundaries and thrive together

  • Additional programs available on setting boundaries for work-life balance, managing burnout, radical self-compassion, overcoming perfectionism, and imposter syndrome deep dive, as well as fully customized keynotes and trainings!

  • Have you ever felt like something had to be perfect before you could share it with anyone? Like you didn’t know enough or have enough experience to put your idea out there? Or maybe you’ve gotten feedback that you can be too direct – or need to be more confident. Or both!

    If so, you’re not alone. Most of us have been handed messages that cause you to hold back your voice – and hold you back from the impact you want to create.

    It’s time to flip those messages upside down. It’s time to reclaim your authentic voice – and use it to lead change.

    Instead of diving into tactics on how you "should" present yourself, we're going to get clear on what is authentic to YOU so that you can share your ideas, challenge the status quo, and lead positive change in your workplace – and beyond. In this interactive session we'll identify:

    -How imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and bias get in the way of sharing your authentic voice

    -The changes you want to influence with your voice

    -Concrete strategies to get your voice heard and create an impact

    -Actions you can take to build a culture where others are free to show up as their full selves and share their voice

  • What rules are you playing by in your career? Do you feel like you can’t disappoint anyone? Have to say yes to everything? Aren’t allowed to fail – or even make a mistake? Need to change how you show up to match what a successful person is “supposed” to do?

    These rules helped you at some point in your life – but they may be creating unnecessary stress and holding you back from the impact you want to create now. It’s time to know what YOU want and WHY. Key takeaways include:

    -Understanding the rules you’re playing by now, where they come from, and if they still make sense at this point in your career and life

    -Redefining success on your own terms

    -Creating a new set of rules that align to your values, goals, and the impact you want to have

  • You've been handed a set of rules that are confusing and conflicting. Work harder and do more -- and also set boundaries! Lose weight - and also love your body as it is! Keep everyone happy - and also prioritize your own needs and self-care! Speak up - but don't upset anyone!

    No wonder you're exhausted.

    It's time to stop.

    It's time to break free from "should" and reclaim your wildness. Your grounded wildness.

    This is more than your typical presentation. It's an experience of reclaiming yourself. Get ready to dive deep, ask questions, and have big realizations. You'll see how to let go of the rules telling you to prove your worth through achievement, likability, and being "good" - and rediscover your freedom. You'll walk away knowing how to:

    -Quiet the inner critic telling you to worker harder, do more, and BE more

    -Create the space to hear your own voice over outer noise

    -Build a toolkit to get grounded, wild, and FREE - and stay that way

If you want to create an empowering event that creates connection and motivates women to speak up and advance in their career, let’s talk!

All topics can be presented in-person or virtually and will be customized to fit your organization and event.


Speaker Reel

Discover Your Authentic Voice - Full Virtual Session

Creating Your Own Rules For Success - Clip of General Mills event

Quick tip to speak up with grounded confidence!

Past Clients & Testimonials

Heather spoke on Creating Your Own Rules For Success at our annual General Mills Women in Marketing event. We received fantastic feedback from the session and everyone left feeling empowered to define success on their own terms and step into the person they want to be in their career and life as a whole.
— Amanda Burlison, former Senior Brand Manager at General Mills
It is ALWAYS an absolute joy to work with Heather! Anyone thinking of engaging her as a speaker should absolutely do it. Heather is exceptionally well organized, thorough in her questions and review, and can tailor the experience to your organization. I would bring her on for another speaking engagement in a heartbeat!
— Jessica Sares, ITW Global Women’s Network Chair
We hired Heather to speak on imposter syndrome for the kick-off event of our first women’s network at Promach. She knocked it out of the park! I was amazed at the level of engagement from the group. Even better, within just three weeks after the event, two women in the group had applied for senior roles at our company and directly attributed the imposter syndrome session in their decision to apply. These were exactly the results we were hoping for!
— Lisa Propati, Vice-President and General Manager at Promach