Coaching & Leadership Development

Deep dive executive coaching, workshops, and leadership development programs for organizations who want to support the growth of their women leaders

Leading With Grounded Confidence Leadership Development Program

Leading With Grounded Confidence is a unique and powerful multi-day leadership development program designed to specifically for women to examine the rules women are handed that make you feel like you need to prove, please, and perfect in your work, leadership, and personal life - and how to break free from those rules and reclaim power and authenticity so you can advance with confidence, increase impact, and improve your wellbeing. Instead of telling women how they should show up, they’ll uncover and define what is authentic to them.

Based on Heather’s many years of experience facilitating leadership development programs as well as what has gotten the best results for her executive coaching clients, the program dives deeply into the framework for leading with grounded confidence, including:

  • Redefining success

  • Reigniting grounded confidence

  • Resetting boundaries for better work-life balance

  • Reawakening your authentic voice

  • Rekindling your community with peers, mentors, and sponsors.

Each program will be deeply customized to meet the goals and challenges of your industry and organization, including meeting with sponsors and participants before the program to gain a first-hand view of your experiences.

Best audience: Women moving into expanded leadership, whether as a people leader or thought leader, often at the Sr. Manager, Director, or Sr. Director level

Structure: In-person, virtual, and hybrid options available

Executive Coaching

Heather coaches high-achieving women who want to grow their career and make an impact - and who are currently driving themselves into the ground to do that. We'll work together to shift beliefs and behaviors to grow in a way that creates results, is good for your wellbeing, and authentic to your personal style.

Heather works best with women who tend to be hard on themselves and hold themselves to extraordinary standards. Common development areas include confidence, greater trust in their experience and abilities, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, delegation, self-awareness, work-life balance, managing stress, leading change, and general leadership skills.

Heather is a graduated of The Coaches Training Institute and has coached women at all levels in a wide variety of organizations for over 15 years, including The Toro Company, UCB pharmaceuticals, Ally Bank, Cargill, and Ameriprise Financial. Although she has worked with high-potential individual contributors to senior executives, her specialty is women who are transitioning into expanded leadership and need to evolve what has made them successful in the past so they can lead with greater authority, influence, and authenticity.

Coaching Testimonials

“I have always been very driven and achievement oriented – my mom used to find to-do lists in my room when I was little. As I stepped into a larger leadership role, I was starting to feel my natural tendencies get the best of me and I knew in my gut that it wasn’t sustainable. Working with Heather, I have gotten much better at establishing boundaries, delegating, and prioritizing being present – personally and professionally. Not only do I feel better, but people around me have noticed as well. I share my voice with more confidence at work - and I get recognized for it. I've learned I can be authentic and powerful at the same time.”

Meg Ryan, Executive Director and CFO of Consumer & Commercial Banking, Ally Financial

“When I started working with Heather, I was overwhelmed. I felt like I had to be completely responsible for all aspects of everything I was involved in, and it was exhausting. It wasn't working for me personally or professionally. Through coaching, I learned to focus on where I can have the most impact. I now know I don't have to do it all -- and I don't have to be perfect while doing it. I've stopped second guessing myself so often. I feel like a weight has been lifted. My life has changed since I started this journey.”

Michelle Maddix-Sovero, Head of Innovation and Strategy for US Immunology, UCB


Imposter Syndrome Deep Dive

How to Reclaim Your Power from Doubt, Fear, and Self-Questioning

This isn't your typical imposter syndrome training. Instead of scratching the surface with facts and figures, we're going to dive DEEP into the reasons you experience imposter syndrome - and how to reclaim your power from doubt, fear, and self-questioning so you can take bold steps in your career, share new ideas, advocate for yourself, and challenge the status quo.

Doubt and imposter syndrome often sound like a questioning voice in your head. They show up with inner critic thoughts like, "Did I just get lucky? Do I have what it takes? Am I really ready to move into the next role? Do I belong here? Is everyone smarter than me? Do I know enough to speak up? Am I enough of an expert?”

The root causes of these thoughts don't come from inside of you - but they can be disrupted inside of you. You'll walk away from this workshop feeling empowered and knowing how to:

  • Distinguish between helpful self-questioning and doubting imposter syndrome that is better thrown out the window

  • Get grounded in who you are and know what TRUE confidence looks like

  • Gain clarity on what's more important than imposter syndrome - and how to use that as motivation to act when doubt and fear show up

  • Build a community that quiets doubt and reinforces your authenticity and grounded confidence

Best audiences: Women at all levels, either as part of a larger leadership development program or as a stand-alone workshop. Content will be customized to meet the level and needs of the participants.

Structure: 2-4 hours, in-person or virtual

Click on the orange button to schedule a call with Heather to discuss your organization, goals, and the details of the workshop!

Creating Your Own Rules For Success

The Creating Your Own Rules For Success workshop is a longer version of Heather’s popular keynote of the same name. The additional time allows participants to dive deep into their definition of success, connect that definition to both career development and personal priorities, and determine actions to live towards that definition of success. Highly customizable and great for team building and leadership development programs for all genders!

Description of the workshop:

What rules are you playing by? Do you feel like you can’t disappoint anyone? Have to say yes to everything? Aren’t allowed to fail – or even make a mistake? Always have to do more, be responsible for everything, and keep everyone happy?

These rules helped you at some point in your life – but they may be creating unnecessary stress and holding you back from the impact you want to create now. It’s time to know what YOU want and WHY. Key takeaways from this workshop include:

  • Understanding the rules you’re playing by now, where they come from, and if they still make sense at this point in your career and life

  • Redefining success on your own terms

  • Creating a new set of rules that align to your values, goals, and the impact you want to have 

  • Designing action steps to live into your new rules so you can create the career and life you desire

Best audiences: Team building, leadership development programs for all genders

Structure: 2-4 hours, in-person or virtual

Click on the orange button to schedule a call with Heather to discuss your organization, goals, and the details of the workshop!

Mastering Boundaries For Better Work-Life Balance

This training dives deep into setting boundaries to increase wellbeing, improve work-life balance, and decrease the hours your employees work without sacrificing results. This is not an impossible unicorn to achieve! This training will address the specific barriers that your business faces in achieving better work-life balance for employees and provide a common framework for setting boundaries that you can use in ongoing conversations about work load and prioritization. We'll also address the emotional barriers that can get in the way of setting boundaries, such as worrying about disappointing your team and feeling like you can't say no.

Even more unique, different forms of this workshop exist for individual contributors and leaders, so you also give leaders the tools they need to have conversations about boundaries and work-life balance with their teams while addressing their own needs. We'll also discuss how leaders can reward actions that lead to better work-life balance - and recognize when you inadvertently reward behaviors that have a negative impact on wellbeing.

Your employees will walk away knowing how to:

  • Decide what's most important to work on - and how leaders can communicate those priorities

  • Utilize the framework for setting boundaries for both one-on-one conversations and team discussions about priorities and work-life balance

  • Say no effectively - and set yourself up to make saying no and setting boundaries easier

  • Implement strategies to decrease stress and deal with the guilt that arises when setting boundaries

Leaders will also receive a facilitator guide for discussing boundaries and work-life balance with their teams! Scroll to the bottom of this page to see a testimonial from a recent client who implemented these trainings - their results were incredible!

Best audiences: Teams, All-employee trainings with separate sessions for leaders and individual contributors

Structure: 1-2 hours, in-person or virtual

Client Testimonials

Heather recently led a 3-part program on Authentic Voice for us at The Toro Company – it was outstanding! I've heard so many positive comments from participants and even had other women in our company ask how they can get into the next program after hearing about the experience from a colleague! What's more, participants reported greater confidence, speaking up more often, and even applying for promotions as a direct result of this program. We can't wait to hold the next program later this year!

Sarah Moran, Learning & Development Sr. Manager, The Toro Company

"We recently worked with Heather on a set of trainings on "Mastering Boundaries For Better Work Life Balance" for leaders and individual contributors across our business. The title of the training delivered! One of our locations said the trainings were "the spark that led us to talk about work-life balance differently." Since the sessions, that location has seen a measurable reduction of work hours and an increase in work-life balance. The team is now sharing their learnings across the business to drive action and continued implementation of the tools from the trainings. Thank you, Heather, for your wonderful support and guidance as we focus on work-life balance!"

Stephanie Arnold, HR Leader, Cargill